How to Survive a Zombie Attack
A fight-or-flight primer to outliving the urban undead.
Zombies tap into the psyche of New York City like no other ghoul. Their insatiable hunger for braaaaains mirrors our own depthless ambition and magnifies our most crippling anxieties: fear of random violence; fear of the chaos that lurks inside every crowd; fear of the stranger with one thing on his mind. Is it any surprise, then, that end-of-days parables like The Walking Dead (which just kicked off its second season on AMC), Brian Ralph’s graphic novel Daybreak (out now from Drawn + Quarterly), and the Resident Evil series (now shooting its fifth installment) strike such an emotional chord? read more [+]
Should You Stay or Should You Go?
- Either way, there will be trouble. A debate.
Know Thy Enemies
- Before you can kill them, you must understand them.
Loot the Met
- The top four zombie-defense tools at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
The Go! Go! Go! Bag
- Everything you need to flee the horde.
Hole Up Here
- Where to seek refuge in a city of 8 million cannibals.
The Zombie Brain at Work
- Two neuroscientists explain.
Who Will Win in the End?
- Depends who you ask.
Golden Rules
- Three very important things to remember.
When You're Ready to Kill Zombies
- Follow this advice.